To view/print a copy of their 1098-T forms:
Log into your Portal account
Click the "Self-Serv" link found in the My Applications channel

Click on the Student tab

Click on the Student Account link

Click on the Electronic 1098T Form link

Enter tax year needed (eg: 2018) and hit submit
You can view and/or print this form
Depending on your income (or your family's income, if you are a dependent), whether you were considered full or half-time enrolled, and the amount of your qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) for the year, you may be eligible for a federal education tax credit. (You can find detailed information about claiming education tax credits in IRS Publication 970, page 9.)
In previous years (2017 and prior), your 1098-T included a figure in Box 2 that represented the QTRE that was billed to your student account for the calendar (tax) year. Beginning with the 2018 tax year, IRS regulations changed and required colleges and universities to report payments of in Box 1 of the 1098-T form. Students will now see a figure in Box 1 that represents the amount of QTRE that was paid during the year.
The College mails 1098-T forms to all eligible students at the address that is on file with Student Records.
The dollar amounts reported on your 1098-T form may assist you in completing IRS Form 8863 – the form used for calculating the education tax credits that a taxpayer may claim as part of your tax return.
The College is unable to determine if students are eligible for a tax credit and is not permitted to give tax advice. Students with questions should seek the counsel of an informed tax preparer or adviser.
Please know that figures are reported to the IRS by Social Security Number (SSN). If your SSN is missing or incorrect, the IRS will not receive correct information.
If there are inaccuracies on Form 1098-T, students must alert the Business Office immediately.