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Nursing & Health Professions Division

Exercise Science, A.S. (Gloucester)

The Exercise Science program provides students with a solid foundation of learning experiences, enabling them to transfer to four-year universities to pursue careers in health/medical promotion and fitness management.

Program Goals
Program graduates will demonstrate the ability and skill to:

  • Analyze and explain how and why the human body responds to various types of physical activities
  • Develop exercise/fitness programs for individuals or groups with diverse health backgrounds
  • Analyze, evaluate and provide basic care in emergency situations
  • Identify general nutritional needs of individuals as well as how nutrition impacts ​exercise and athletic performance
  • Instruct others in the use of a variety of exercise equipment
Rowan College welcomes students seeking a post-secondary education. Admission to this program is open to high school graduates, High School Equivalency (HSE) recipients or others who can benefit from the instruction offered. High school students may be considered for early admission or for the High School Option program. Applications are accepted from residents of other New Jersey counties and other states and countries.

Program Classes
The Program Requirements ​can be down loaded to view a semester-by-semester breakdown of the required classes and electives for this program.

The RCGC Catalog provides class descriptions.

The Class Schedule Listing shows the availability of classes for each semester.

​Program Advisor
Current students please visit to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor. Future students please visit to learn more about how to get started.

NOTE: Students involved with other groups (Educational Opportunity Fund, Student Athlete, etc.) report to that advisor.

​Transfer Opportunities
Through the College’s new premier partnership with Rowan University and other college partnership programs, students are admitted concurrently to Rowan College and one of its partnering universities —​ immediately beginning their studies toward an advanced degree. ​

In addition, the College also maintains 75 program articulation agreements with four-year institutions. After successfully completing an associate degree, students have the option to transfer to the university of their choice.

Some of our students in this program have transferred to the following four-year institutions:

  • Rowan University
  • Thomas Jefferson University
  • Wilmington University
​Please visit the CAP Center to discuss transfer options.

​​Degree Information​

Download Pro​gram ​Guide​​​​​​
