Make an Appointment
Students can make an appointment with either of the Rowan College of South Jersey, High School Outreach Recruiters to discuss the enrollment process, obtain assistance in completing the college application and inquire about the various scholarship opportunities available at either campus.
**Appointments will be virtual with students while the College is closed to the public. Appointments can occur in a few different ways: Zoom meetings, phone, and/or emails. Let the recruiter know what method of delivery is best for you**
College Recruiter meetings occur on- and off-campus.
You can meet with a recruiter at either College Campus
Make an Appointment below to schedule a time with a College Recruiter. The recruiters at either campus are able to assist with applications and questions that you may have regarding each campus.
We also may visit your high school
RCSJ College Recruiters visit most area high schools at least once during the school year. Speak with your Guidance Office to determine when our recruiter’s next high school visit is scheduled.