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High School Option

Accessible and Affordable!

Program Overview
The High School Option Program (HSOP) provides high school students the opportunity to take Rowan College of South Jersey courses at a discounted tuition rate. Completed coursework can be applied to an RCSJ associate degree or be easily transferred to other institutions of higher education. In addition, RCSJ credits may satisfy high school graduation requirements through the N.J. Department of Education's Option Two

Please Note: High School students may take advantage of HSOP during RCSJ's Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer semesters.
However, the HSOP discount will only be applied through the spring semester of the senior year.  Once Rowan College's summer semester commences, the HSOP discount will not be applied for current high school seniors. Students age out after 18 years of age.

​Program Benefits
  • Tuition discount of $75 per credit with no course fees
  • Take an unlimited number of RCSJ courses
  • Start earning credit toward a degree program
  • Satisfy high school graduation requirements 
  • Complete required remediation, if applicable
  • Explore career pathways
  • Career and major exploration assessments ​to help students better understand their interests
  • Personalized academic advisement
  • Registration assistance 
  • Safe & secure environment​
  • Full and FREE access to all Rowan College services, clubs and activities *Rowan College at South Jersey athletics participation is not available to HSOP students.
Who Can Participate
  • Students 14 to 18 years of age
  • ​Those who completed freshman year of high school
  • In-county & out-of-county residents
  • Students who attend:
​Courses HSOP students can enroll in
Students should consult the NJ Transfer website​ to learn how Rowan College South Jersey courses will transfer to NJ institutions of higher education.  Students looking to transfer their Rowan College credit to institutions outside of NJ should consult their school of choice. 

Sign me up at RCSJ-Gloucester! 3 Easy steps​:

*Students seeking participation at RCSJ-Cumberland, visit​.  

Step 1: ​​Apply!

Submit the following documents to [email protected]:

  • ​ A ​HSOP Participation Form.pdf​​ must be signed by the student, parent/guardian, and school counselor. Adobe Acrobat Reader is recommended when accessing the form. Once submitted, Students will receive their RCSJ Student ID number (A#) and log-in credentials for the RCSJ portal via email from RCSJ's Admissions Office. Students who don't receive an email should check their spam box before emailing Admissions at [email protected]
  • Preliminary High School Transcript
  • Standardized Test Scores (see exemptions below) 

Step 2: Satisfy the Placement Test Requirement!   (Accuplacer) 

All students are required to take the Accuplacer, or provide proof of exemption, prior to seeking advisement & registration assistance. The Accuplacer assess knowledge​ in reading, writing and math and places students in College-level or Educational Foundations (remedial) courses.

​​​​​​​Step 3: Meet with an Advisor & Register!            

Students taking 12 credits or more must submit an Immunization Record Formto RCSJ-Gloucester Office of Admissions

  • ​​​​​Individual Appointments ​​​- Make an appointment with an Advisor!​
    • ​​We encourage on campus advisement & registration. However, this can be conducted virtually via zoom or by phone and email. 
  • ​​HSOP Registration Event
    • ​​​​​ Please contact your high school Counseling Office to learn when RCSJ will be present for HSOP advisement & registration.

Forms & questions can be emailed to: [email protected]
