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High School Programs at Gloucester

CollegeBoard™ Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations

See how AP exam scores transfer to RCSJ: AP Exam - Course Equivalency Chart​ 

How to Receive College Credit

Students must:​

Once all required documents have been received, AP scores will be evaluated for the transfer of credit based on the students' major: 

  • New Students: Evaluation results are preliminary. Credits become official on the 10th day of classes during the first semester a student enrolls at RCSJ

  • Current Students: Evaluation results will be added to their RCSJ transcript immediately upon completion of request​

College credit awarded via AP examinations appear on the RCSJ transcript as transfer credit. Transfer grades are not included in the RCSJ cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA).

The College President shall periodically revise the administrative rules and regulations applying to transfer procedures. (Policy 8207)

For More Information

Email [email protected]  

Gloucester; Cumberland