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Testing Services

Placement Test

Rowan College of South Jersey requires all newly-admitted students to take the College Placement Test or provide proof of exemptionfor proper course placement.

When Should One Take the Placement Test? 

The placement test is taken after admission to the College but prior to course registration.  We recommend that you take it as soon as possible so your placement information and course recommendations will be available for advisement.​ 

What Subjects are on the Placement Test?

Students are tested in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics: arithmetic, quantitative reasoning, algebra, and statistics.  Students who achieve a specific benchmark may also be tested in advanced algebra and functions.  ​

May I Be Exempt ​from Taking the Placement Test?

​​​Exemptions are determined based on the evaluation of official documents and will permit a student to register for college-level courses. It is the student’s responsibility to provide required documentation to support their exemption(s). This documentation must be sent to the campus in which the student applied: RCSJ—Cumberland or RCSJ—Gloucester. Please see explore the criteria used for a placement test exemption​.

In addition to the listed exemptions, RCSJ accepts Accuplacer scores from other institutions of higher education. Students will follow RCSJ’s placement requirements. A student who requires remediation, but did not complete the remediation, will be placed according to their results. Or, the student may choose to retest at RCSJ. If the student completed any developmental courses as a result of their placement test, a copy of the College transcript showing a grade of “C” or better should also be submitted.​

​Test Dates & Scheduling

​Gloucester Placement Tes​t Dates and Scheduling​
  • Book an Appointment
    • Virtual testing appointments are limited and may be honored on a case-by-case basis. Please contact [email protected] to inquire about that possibility if needed.
    • Please call 856-415-2268 if the test date/time you are requesting is not available through our appointment setter link to schedule your on-campus placement test. We will do our best to accommodate your testing request.​​
Cumberland Placement Test Dates and Scheduling
  • Book an Appointment
    • ​​​Virtual testing appointments are limited and may be honored on a case-by-case basis. Please contact [email protected] to inquire about that possibility if needed.
    • Please email [email protected] if the test date/time you are requesting is not available through our appointment link, to schedule your on-campus placement test. We will do our best to accommodate your testing request.​

The Testing Center is located on the first floor of the Catherine J. Arpino Education and Humanities Center, Rowan College - Cumberland campus.         

Accuplacer Student Portal

The ACCUPLACER student portal allows access to:

  • Practice Resources
  • Your ACCUPLACER Score Report
  • Test Center Locator
  • Test Taking Tutorials

For more test preparation help visit our Test Prep page.​

Challenging the​ Placement Test

Completion of the College Placement Test is required before registering for courses at Rowan College. Students who receive scores that fall below college level, placing them in educational foundations (remedial) courses, have the option of challenging their placement test results. The cost to challenge each subtest is $10 (reading, writing, math).

Please review your Accuplacer score report to determine which areas, if any, you need to retest(reading, writing, math). Access your Accuplacer score report at​ by clicking "Information for Students". Students should see an advisor to confirm which tests can be challenged. Students are allowed to retest each section one time.

Instructions for Challenging the Placement Test

Gloucester Campus

RCSJ Gloucester students who wish to challenge must obtain the Challenge Form from the Gloucester Testing Center and submit payment to the Business Office. Please call 856-415-2268 or 856-681-6249 for Challenge ​Test information.​​

Cumberland Campus

Retake fees are paid at the One Stop window, across from the bookstore, in the Student Services building.  Your receipt must be brought to the Testing Center on exam day.   

Cumberland Students who have additional questions about how to challenge the test can email [email protected].   

Gloucester; Cumberland