The Testing Center at Rowan College South Jersey provides makeup services for those students who missed a test in class and whose instructors allow for makeup testing.
After coordinating with the instructor, students can visit the Testing Center (an appointment is necessary on the Cumberland Campus) to take a make-up or online test. To ensure a smooth process, please bring the following items:
- A photo ID
- Instructor's name
- Test name
- No cell phone
- Any materials allowed for the test. Calculator, note cards, etc.
Make-Up Testing FAQs
What is Academic Make-Up Testing?
The RCSJ Testing Center offers make-up testing for students who miss an in-class exam, provided the instructor approves.
How do students take a Make-Up test?
Students should inquire with their instructor about the possibility of making up the test. If approved, the instructor will deliver the test to the Testing Center.
When can a Make-Up test be taken?
Gloucester Campus
Students do not require an appointment to take a make-up test; they can drop in at least two hours before closing time. Students arriving within two hours of closing will be asked to return at another time.
The last tests are administered two hours before office closure.
Gloucester Campus Testing Services Hours |
Mon, Tue, Thu |
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wed |
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat, Sun
*Closed Fridays during the summer |
Hours subject to change due to college events and holidays.
Cumberland Campus
Appointments are required; please email
[email protected]
Cumberland Campus Testing Services Hours |
Mon, Tue, Thu |
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Wed |
8:30 AM - 7:00 PM |
12:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Sat, Sun
*Closed Fridays during the summer |
Hours subject to change due to college events and holidays.
Arpino Building, first floor, Testing Lab
When do I receive my test results?
Once the test has been taken, students may check with their instructor for results.
What is online testing?
Certain instructors of online classes require their students to take their tests in the Testing Center&
How to determine whether online students need to take a test in the Testing Center?
Online instructors inform their students of this requirement in their syllabus.
How can students take a test for an online class?
Students in these classes must make an appointment to take their tests.
Does the Testing Department offer special accommodations?
Gloucester Campus
Rowan College students with disabilities are not required to register with the Department of Special Services. Department of Special ServicesRegistering with the department is done voluntarily. However, students interested in receiving certain accommodations must register with Special Services.
Cumberland Campus
Students with approved testing accommodations need to contact Special Services for appointments:[email protected]
How do I make an appointment?
Gloucester Testing:
Appointments are not required for make-up testing. Please see business hours above and arrive at least 2 hours before closing time, with a photo ID and the Instructor's name.
Cumberland Testing:
Email: [email protected]Call: 856-200-4648