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Commencement Time Change
Due to current weather reports, we have made the difficult decision to move the start time of both campus Commencement ceremonies to 10 a.m. on Thursday and Friday. We understand the strain this may put on you and your family’s schedules, but we hope to provide an enjoyable experience and one that does not need to be canceled entirely.

Commencement details can be found on the webpage at Graduates, please check your college email for detailed information.

Students looking at an iPad on campus

Technical Support at Gloucester

Computer Labs

​​​​Students can use their Rowan College username and password​ to log on to classroom computers and other computers on campus. Computer labs are available for students in several campus locations. Please contact the computer lab to confirm its ​hours of operation and availability.

Computer Lab Locations

​CGA Labs (for Computer Graphics Students Only)

Scott Hall, Rooms 711 and 712
856-468-5000, ext. 6431



Testing Center



For the Rowan College Print Management System, all students begin each semester with $10.00 credited to their account for printing. This is the equivalent of 200 black-and-white prints. After the $10.00 has been depleted, students will need to use a Pay Station to add credit to their account to print.

To learn more view the Print Management System page.