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STEM Students in classroom and in front of MEC Building



​​​​This program offers assistance from the time of admission through graduation for first-generation students through an all-year support system.


Your Benefits!

  • New Student Orientation & Registration Session tailored to first-generation students and their families.
  • Support and questions answered in-depth throughout the academic year.
  • Help with staying on-track to graduate from Rowan College - Cumberland and transfer to complete Bachelor's degree or enter the workforce.
  • A sense of community and belonging through Student Life and Leadership activities.
  • Support with annual Financial Aid Application (FAFSA) process.
  • Financial literacy workshops on personal finances, managing money, credit cards, opening bank accounts, and loan repayment.
  • Career advising, internships, and mentoring for students who wish to network with community and campus leaders.


  • Identify as a first-generation college student during the admissions application process.
  • Attend the First2Go/Primer-a-Ir New Student Orientation & Registration Session with a family member, parent or guardian.
  • Enroll in and complete a Freshman Seminar course.
  • Meet with assigned Academic Advisor regularly throughout the Academic Year.
  • Attend a Financial Aid workshop annually.

​First2Go/Primer-a-Ir Scholarship

Through a generous donation from the OceanFirst Bank Foundation, we are proud to offer fifty $1,000 scholarships to incoming first-generation students. All of the eligibility requirements can be found in the application. 

OceanFirst Scholarship Application



Q: How will I benefit from becoming a First2Go/Primer-a-Ir student?

We encourage all eligible students to join the First2Go/Primer-a-Ir community for special scholarship opportunities and other resources that are available on- and off-campus and offered exclusively to First2Go/Primer-a-Ir participants.


Q: My older brother or sister attended college. Am I still considered "first generation"?

 Yes. For ​First2Go/Primer-a-Ir Community, "first-generation college" means that your parents have not completed a four-year degree at a U.S. college or university.


Q: One or more of my parents attended college but never graduated. Does this affect my status as “first-generation"?

No. Collegiate experience before obtaining a bachelor's degree does not disqualify students who are first-generation, but who are also not technically the first to go to college.


Q: I am a first-generation student, but I don't think I need any "help."  Why should I participate?

We find that first-generation students thrive when they are in a supportive environment of peers, faculty, and staff who understand their backgrounds. With this support and network, our students are more competitively eligible for scholarships, four-year degree programs, internships and other opportunities.​
