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Internship and Career Planning

Resume Writing/Review and Interview Prep


What is a resume?

A resume outlines your relevant skills and experience. It should be written in a way that grabs the attention of the employers and clearly highlights your most attractive skills and experience to potential employers. It displays to the employers what you have to offer and how your skills match the position you are apply for. It is what leads you to the interview.

Do I need a cover letter?
Yes, to be safe, always include a cover letter. Cover letters give an employer a preview of your personality and motivations. It can be used to elaborate on why you are good for the job or explain gaps in employment. It is also a great way to demonstrate your written communication skills. This is also how students can explain how course work for their program makes them qualified for the job. 

Do I need to prepare for an interview?
YES! YES! and YES! This is your shot! There is too much to cover in one little paragraph but in brief, review the job description and pay attention to the critical details and must-haves of the position. Research the company and review the company’s products and services. Do a search on commonly asked interview questions and practice answering them while looking in a mirror. Lastly, have questions ready. At the end of every interview, you typically have a chance to ask a few questions. So be prepared to ask them some questions. ​This just skims the surface​. However, we can help prep you and provide you with a mock interview. Schedule your appointment today.

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Gloucester; Cumberland