Student and Visitor Parking: All students and visitors will park their vehicle in lots “D” and “E." No parking is permitted between 12 AM and 6 AM unless authorized by the campus Security Office. Rowan College reserves the right to close any parking lot, including restricted areas, without notice as specified by the executive director of Safety and Security.
Handicapped Parking: Designated parking spaces are provided throughout the campus for individuals with handicapped parking permits issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission or the Deptford Police Department. Handicapped drivers must display the appropriate rearview mirror placard issued by the State of New Jersey or license plate.
Note: State law requires the authorized holder of the placard or license plate to be present when the parking privilege for persons with disabilities is used.
Note: The Deptford Police Department or County Sheriff can ticket persons illegally parked in handicapped parking in private parking areas.
Fire Lanes: To comply with the local ordinance, and for campus community safety, vehicles may
never be left unoccupied in a designated fire lane. This includes while hazard lights are flashing and for short periods of time.
Parking Violations Subject to Fines: The items listed below are considered specific violations of the College’s parking regulations and are subject to fines.
Parking in a restricted lot without permit
| $10.00 |
Parking in fire lane or no-parking zone
| $10.00 |
Parking in loading/visitor space beyond time limit | $10.00 |
Parking in a manner that creates a hazard | $10.00 |
Parking in more than one parking space | $10.00 |
Parking in handicapped area without displayed permit | $25.00 |
Driving in a careless or hazardous manner | $25.00 |
Failure to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk | $25.00 |
Noise violation — loud radio/music
| $10.0 0 |
Reckless Driving: Considering the continual presence of pedestrians, reckless driving on campus is not tolerated. Reckless driving is defined as driving with “willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property." Persons guilty of reckless driving may have their parking privileges withdrawn.
Fines: All fines must be paid before registration for the next semester, before graduation or before the release of transcripts. Fines must be paid to the cashier located inside the Student Services building during regular business hours.
Vehicle Security: Students should lock their cars at all times. It is suggested that they do not leave valuable items in plain view. Anyone parking a vehicle on campus assumes all risk of accident and expressly agrees that Rowan College of South Jersey shall not be held liable, under any circumstances, for any injury to persons or loss or damage to property.
Special Notice: Verbal or physical assault of security officers enforcing campus parking and driving regulations will not be tolerated. Individuals engaging in this type of behavior are subject to the college disciplinary process and/or possible criminal prosecution.