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Commencement Time Change
Due to current weather reports, we have made the difficult decision to move the start time of both campus Commencement ceremonies to 10 a.m. on Thursday and Friday. We understand the strain this may put on you and your family’s schedules, but we hope to provide an enjoyable experience and one that does not need to be canceled entirely.

Commencement details can be found on the webpage at Graduates, please check your college email for detailed information.

View of RCSJ's Rastelli Business and Corporate building

Rowan University Center



Rowan College South Jersey and Rowan University have formed an innovative, premier partnership to make higher education more affordable to South Jersey residents by providing a direct, cohesive route to a bachelor's degree with easy transfer credits. The Rowan University Center (RUC) assists students on their pathway from Rowan College to Rowan University by providing a variety of services, such as advisement and application assistance, to students and alumni.

From their very first day of classes, Rowan College students are conditionally admitted to Rowan University with the understanding that all program prerequisite coursework and GPA requirements must be satisfied. Students pay the community college tuition and fee rates while attending RCSJ, saving them substantial time and money. Students can choose from any of the following pathways to obtain their bachelor's degree:

3+1 Program

  • Earn a four-year degree at a reduced price: less than $30,000 for a bachelor's degree. Students remain at Rowan College for an additional year to complete their junior-level courses while paying Rowan College tuition and fees. Only available to select majors.

Rowan Choice (available through the Gloucester campus)​

  • Live on Rowan University's campus and earn up to 60 credits through Rowan College. Courses are taught by Rowan College professors at both RCSJ and Rowan University. Available to all majors. 

Traditional Transfer​

  • Complete your associate's degree at Rowan College and transfer to Rowan University for your bachelor's degree. Available to all majors. For a list of Rowan University majors, visit their website: Degrees & Programs.

Gloucester; Cumberland