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Students in the Academic Support Center

Tutoring at Gloucester

Structured Study Groups

​​​​​​​Wynne's Study Group (2).jpeg
​Rowan College's Academic Support Center​ offers Structured Study Groups for specific courses. Structured Study Groups offer students an opportunity to share ideas, learn from one another and develop a support system. These groups will be offered regularly throughout the semester. 

A group of students can also organize a Structured Study Group with a tutor by completing the Study Group Request Form​ and sending it to Tutors are available to facilitate Study Group sessions for Rowan College courses. To request a facilitator for a Study G​​roup​, the group must have at least four students from the same course who can meet at the same time on a weekly basis.

​The Structured Study Group's tutor will assist students with questions, review challenging course material and provide the opportunity for students to practice applying what they are learning in class.

If you have any questions about the Study Groups, please call the Academic Support Center​ Coordinator at 856-468-5000 ext. 6427 or stop by the Center. ​

​Students —​ Start forming your Study Groups as early as possible in the semester.​​

​​Frequently Asked Questions About Study Groups

​Who Facilitates the Study Groups?

Our Study Group facilitators are tutors who have successfully completed the coursework and were recommended by the professor.

What Should I Expect of the Study Groups?

  1. Tutors facilitate weekly Structured Study Groups at a regularly scheduled time and place.

  2. Students will be expected to help each other; the tutor is there for support. Study Group Sessions are neither mandatory nor graded. We encourage students to attend voluntarily.

​What Will We Actually Do When We Meet?

  1. ​​​Create questions that test understanding and application of the course material. Take turns asking and answering questions and explaining the material. ​

  2. Role-play: Take turns playing various roles. For example, play the role of the professor deciding what questions to include on the exam. Nursing students could play the roles of nurses and patients. Think of ways to make your subjects more interactive by role-playing. 

  3. Be active: The more active you are (physically moving or "doing"), the better you'll learn and understand the material. ​

How Can I Get the M​ost​ out of a Study Group Session?

  1. ​​As a group, decide on objectives or goals at the beginning of the session. This will help your group stay focused and manage your time effectively. At the end of the session, make a plan for the next session's goals.

  2. ​​Be prepared for every session. Bring your materials, writing utensils, and an open mind. For best results, have a few questions ready to begin the discussion. 

  3. Stay on topic. It's the session leader's job to keep everyone on topic. 

​​​What Are the Restrictions for Study Groups?

  1. Tutors/facilitators do not evaluate student work or performance.

  2. Tutors/facilitators​ will not report Study Group attendance to other students or faculty (certain exceptions may apply). 

  3. Tutors/facilitators will not review any material in Study Groups that has not been covered in class.​

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