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Students in the Academic Support Center

Tutoring at Gloucester

Frequently Asked Questions


Where is the Academic Support Center located?

The Academic Support Center is located in room 603, above the College Store. ​

Who are the tutors and how are they selected?

All tutoring sessions are held by well-trained and qualified tutors. The Academic Support Center Tutors are some of RCSJ's finest students. They are approved by the academic department in the subject(s) they will be tutoring. Tutors also include adjuncts, graduate students and retired professionals.

Who can use the tutoring services and how much does it cost? 

Tutoring is free for all currently registered RCSJ students.

Do I need an appointment?

No. We offer drop-in tutoring. We have tutors available for most subjects throughout the week. We also have One-on-One tutoring sessions available through Zoom. Visit the Academic Support Center for more information about all our services

I work during the day. Is the Academic Support Center open in the evening or on weekends? 

Yes, the Academic Support Center has tutors available during the evening hours. We are closed on weekends, but online options are available.

What online tutoring help is available?

The Academic Support Center has three online services to help you:

  • Virtual Tutoring Appointments: Online Zoom tutoring appointments are available. Schedule an appointment HERE or by contacting the Academic Support Center.
  • Thinking Storm: If you need tutoring assistance over the weekends or after hours, visit ThinkingStorm. ThinkingStorm is our 24/7 professional online tutoring service assisting with most subjects. To access ThinkingStorm​, log into your RCSJ Portal. On the My Campus page, click on "Online Tutoring" in either My Applications or Campus Links. You will then arrive at the ThinkingStorm's tutoring page.​   
  • Ask a Tutor: Submit a quick question or homework problem to a tutor by using the Ask a Tutor Form located on the ASC's homepage.

How do I join an online tutoring session?

After booking a virtual tutoring appointment through Tutortrac, sign back in and a link for the session will appear next to your appointment prior to the start of the session. If having difficulties, please contact us. The tutor can send a link to join the session through RCSJ email.

If you are attending a session through ThinkingStorm, simply log back into the Portal and head back to ThinkingStorm's tutoring page where a link to start the appointment will appear.

If I'm doing well in my class, can tutoring help me do even better? 

We hope so.  The Academic Support Center is a learning enhancement center designed to assist students who are having difficulty in a course as well as those who are doing well. Students who are doing well may need to fine-tune concepts or practice new concepts.  

How do I get started at the Academic Support Center?

Visit the Academic Support Center at, or send us an email at and a tutor will contact you.

If I use the Academic Support Center once, am I making a commitment to using this service all semester? 

No. Students may use the Academic Support Center as many or as few times as they need. Some students find that one visit is all they need to clarify a concept and get them back on track. Students who are struggling with a difficult subject or major may choose to sit with a tutor on a regular basis. 

Are there always tutors available for my particular course? 

We make every effort to develop a tutoring schedule that provides as many available hours as possible for as many courses as possible. 

When should I seek tutoring?

At the Academic Support Center, we like to say, "come early, come often." This is especially true for courses you find challenging. Don't wait until you fall behind to start seeking help.

Why does the tutor ask me questions?

By asking you questions, the tutor is able to determine areas where you need help and to make sure you understand what they are telling you.

How can I become a tutor? 

Students thinking about becoming a tutor must meet certain criteria. Please refer to the section “Become a Tutor".
