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Financial Aid at Gloucester


​Gloucester Campus FAFSA Code: 006901

What is the FAFSA?

The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid​. This is the first step in the financial aid process for both federal programs (Pell Grant, Direct Loans, Parent PLUS Loans) and state programs (TAG, STARS, EOF). The personal and financial information reported on the FAFSA is how a student's eligibility is determined for all aid, including grants, student loans and work-study positions. 

Can I apply for aid through the State of New Jersey?

Yes. All RCSJ students are encouraged to apply for additional aid programs through the State of New Jersey's Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA). Complete ​​ the state application and answer the four "New Jersey State Grant Questions."

What are the common types of financial aid?

There are a number of options available to students to help finance their higher education. There are government-sponsored grants; government-sponsored student loans; private scholarships offered by colleges, businesses and community organizations; and private loans offered through financial institutions. A complete overview of each form of financial aid is on the Types of Aid webpage.

How do I become eligible for financial aid?

Students who apply for federal student aid will qualify for some form of assistance. Grants are a form of "gift aid" that do not need to be repaid. This form is based on financial need, as determined by the information you report on the FAFSA. Student loans are a form of "self-help" aid that ultimately must be repaid. All students qualify for Direct Loans, regardless of financial need, up to the federally regulated annual and aggregate loan limits.

What happens if my financial situation has changed, and I no longer make the same income?

If your family's situation has changed and you are now experiencing economic hardship, you may complete a Special Conditions appeal. Learn more on the Special Circumstances webpage.

Do I have to report my parents' information?

Most students age 23 and younger are required to report their parents' information on the FAFSA. To learn more about dependency status, and what might qualify you to file independently, view the Before You Start webpage.

What happens if I don't have contact with my parents?

If you no longer have contact with your parents, or your family's living situation is unsafe, you should contact the Office of Financial Aid immediately. You may qualify for a Dependency Override. To learn more about the Dependency Override appeal, visit the Special Circumstances webpage.

What is the maximum amount of financial aid I can receive?

The maximum amount of financial aid you can receive for the year is up to the Cost of Attendance (COA). This is the estimated, total amount it will cost you to go to school and it's usually stated as an annual figure. The COA provides a budget for educational expenses across five major categories: 1) tuition and fees; 2) room and board (or housing and food allowance); 3) books and supplies; 4) transportation; and 5) some miscellaneous/personal expenses.

How can I apply for a federal Parent PLUS Loan?

Parents interested in applying for a federal Parent PLUS Loan can do so at Select "Parent Borrowers" and then "Apply for a PLUS Loan." The parent must log in using his/her FSA ID, not the student's, and then to proceed to the application. 

In addition, the parent completing the application must sign a master promissory note and complete entrance counseling, both of which can be completed while logged into Rowan College South Jersey should be specified as the school when completing the entrance counseling requirement. 

The maximum PLUS loan amount you can borrow is the cost of attendance (determined by the school) minus any other financial assistance received.​ View the PLUS Loans​ webpage at for current interest rates and the complete terms and conditions of the lending. 

My Parent PLUS Loan application was denied. What are my options?​

If your Parent PLUS Loan application was denied, you have two main options:

  1. Obtain an endorser who does not have an adverse credit history. An endorser is someone who agrees to repay the Direct PLUS Loan if you do not repay it. If you are a parent borrower, the endorser cannot be the child on whose behalf you are borrowing.

  2. Document to the satisfaction of the U.S. Department of Education that there are extenuating circumstances relating to your adverse credit history.​​

​Furthermore, in the event of a Parent PLUS Loan denial, the student becomes eligible for an additional $4,000 ($2,000 per term) in Direct Unsubsidized Loan funding. These loans are also offered by the U.S. Department of Education. Note Direct Unsubsidized Loans are borrowed by the student (and are in the student's name) and not the parent. View the PLUS Loans webpage at​ for ​more information. 


When will Rowan College receive my FAFSA?

After you successfully complete, sign and submit your FAFSA to the U.S. Department of Education, it takes approximately 3-10 days for the online application to be processed, and 14-21 days for the paper application. Once processed, it might take up to 2-3 weeks for the Rowan College Office of Financial Aid to download a copy of your FAFSA from the Department. 

How will I know Rowan College has my FAFSA?

You will know the College has downloaded a copy of your FAFSA by checking your Rowan College email and Portal accounts. All official college business will be communicated through these channels. You are encouraged to check both on a weekly basis, minimum.

How can I check the status of my financial aid at Rowan College?

You can monitor your progress through the application process in live time using the Rowan College Portal. Statuses include "R" = Required; "N" = In Review, "I" = Incomplete, "S" = Satisfied. Once all documentation has been satisfied, an award will be offered to your college account. You can review this by selecting the "Financial Aid Awards" link and specifying the award year. 

Can I receive financial aid if I'm not attending full time?

If a student is eligible for a partial Pell grant, he or she may receive aid for as little as 1 credit. However, all financial aid awards are based on a student's actual enrollment for the term

Can I receive financial aid for the summer term?

All financial aid programs have a maximum annual limit. The financial "aid" year for Rowan College begins with the fall semester and ends with the summer semester. (For example the 2017-2018 FAFSA applies to the fall 2017, winter, spring and summer 2018 terms.) Therefore, your eligibility for the summer 2018 term is contingent upon leftover funds from the fall 2017 and spring 2018 semesters, if you received aid during those terms. Contact the Office of Financial Aid to see if you have any available funds for the summer semester.

Why did my financial aid award change?

All financial aid awards are based on your actual enrollment status for the term. If you make adjustments during the drop/add period, your financial aid awards will be adjusted accordingly. Likewise, if you withdraw from classes or a professor reports you as "never attending" (NA), your financial aid will be adjusted.

Why did my student loan get cancelled?

Both the federal Direct Loan and state NJ CLASS Loan programs require students to maintain at least halftime enrollment. Halftime enrollment is a registration of 6 credits or more. If you drop or withdraw from classes, and are now registered for 1-5 credits, the Office of Financial Aid must remove the loans from your account.

How will withdrawing from a class impact my financial aid?

All financial aid awards are based on the credits you register for during a specific term. Withdrawing from classes ultimately changes the credits in which you're registered, and the Office of Financial Aid must adjust your awards accordingly.

What will happen to my financial aid if I withdraw from all of my classes?

Federal financial aid awards are based on the assumption that the student will complete the entire term for which the award is processed. If a student withdraws during a term, federal regulations require the Office of Financial Aid to apply a formula established by the U.S. Department of Education to determine the amount of federal financial aid earned as of the official withdrawal date from Rowan College. Any aid you do not qualify for as a result of a total withdraw must be returned back to the federal government through the "Return to Title IV" process. This might result in a balance on your account at the College.

Will I lose my financial aid eligibility if I'm not making Satisfactory Academic Progress?

All students are required to make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) as a requirement for both federal and state aid programs. SAP applies to grants (Pell, FSEOG, TAG, EOF) and student loans (Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized, Parent PLUS, NJ CLASS). 

Academic progress entails meeting the minimum Qualitative (GPA) and Quantitative (pace) standards within a Maximum Timeframe (150%). This means students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete a minimum of 67 percent of all credits they attempt to make academic progress. Note your entire transcript history, from your very first semester at Rowan College, is considered in the SAP calculation. Negative grade statuses that can impact your financial aid include F, X, NP, W, NA, I. 

A complete overview of the SAP policy, including the standards for making progress, are on the Policies & Procedures webpage.

If you're no longer making SAP, you may complete a SAP appeal to reinstate your eligibility. You can learn more about this process on the Special Circumstances webpage.

What is the default rate on Federal loans at RCSJ?

A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school's borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loan Program or William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program loans during a particular federal fiscal year, October 1st to September 30th, and default or meet other specified conditions prior to the end of the second following fiscal year. 
