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Campus Life

First Generation Institute

Keating Family Presidential First Generation Institiute logo  -words with a blue ribbon graghic


“I'm proud to be a first-generation student. I remember that difficult conversation at the dinner table, but one person reached back and got me, and put me on a path that helped define my future. It's my privilege to create this Institute — bearing my family's name — to function as that person and provide that give-back to make educational opportunity easier for the next, first-generation."

— Fred Keating, Ed.D., President, RCSJ

The Keating Family Presidential Institute 

​​The Keating Family Presidential Institute for First Generation Students at RCSJ is dedicated to supporting the extraordinary journeys of first-generation students by providing resources, mentorship, and a vibrant community for success. Founded in 2024 by RCSJ's first president, Dr. Fred Keating, a first-generation student himself, the Institute provides mentorship, networking, an honor society, professional development, scholarships, and transfer support to obtain a baccalaureate degree. The first financial support the Institute received was an endowment from the Keating Family to support first-generation student scholarships.


All first-generation students are strongly encouraged to participate and become a member of the Institute upon enrollment at the College. To be considered first-gen, neither of the student's parents, nor step-parents, nor legal guardians, completed a bachelor's degree. 

  • Members will be inducted beginning Fall 2025
  • Current students with a 3.2 GPA can apply for the Tri-Alpha Honor Society



One of the most important benefits of the Institute is mentorship. The Tri-Alpha Honor Society for First-Generation students admits faculty and staff who were also first-generation. Their membership duties include serving as a mentor for first-generation students. 


The Institute provides connection to peers, faculty, staff, College leaders, and external partners who all have students' best interests in mind. They will help members navigate both higher education and the professional world as they begin working towards their careers.


The Institute will organize special events to support first-generation student needs. The Institute will also work with our Flagship Partner, Rowan University, and their Flying First program, to connect members University event. This connection will help the transfer process be a more comfortable experience.


The Institute is proud to offer many scholarship opportunities including The Keating Family Scholarship, OceanFirst Bank scholarships, and Rowan University Flying First scholarships.

The OceanFirst Foundation provides RCSJ with $30,000 in scholarships that are split between the Cumberland and Gloucester campuses. While not a requirement, awarding preference is given to first-generation students. For fall 2024, thirty $1,000scholarships were awarded to RCSJ students.

To learn more information about first-generation student opportunities, please email​.

​​​“Current and upcoming future first-gen students will continue to break down barriers that once seemed impossible. Our ambition will lead us to places we'd never imagined."

— Xavier Gonzales, Class of 2024, A.S. Biological Science/ Health Science

​“We, as first-generation students, embody the determination and courage required to navigate uncharted territories and make our dreams become reality."

— Stephanie Barger, Class of 2024, A.S. Equine Science Vet/Med Option

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Gloucester; Cumberland