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Institutional Effectiveness

Create Assessments on Blackboard

​​​​​​Blackboard provides several types of assessment that can easily be aligned to the learning outcomes in each course that is taught.  Please review the various helpful videos created by Blackboard to explain the creation and usefulness of each assessment.


Learn how to create a test, add questions to a test, and make your test available to students. Find out how to search and reuse questions from other tests in your course.

Wikis allow course members to contribute and modify one or more pages of course-related materials, providing a means of sharing and collaboration. Instructors create wikis and can grade contributions, and all course members can create pages and offer comments.

With the discussion board tool, course members can replicate the robust discussions that take place in the traditional classroom. This tutorial will show you how to access the discussion board, create forums, select the forum settings to suit your needs, and reorder forums in the discussion board.  

Learn how to create a rubric for assessing and grading student work. Using a rubric to grade your students allows you to set specific criteria for achievement and share expectations with your students. Using a rubric helps keep grading consistent and fair.


​​​Tracking Assessments​
For additional information on using Blackboard for your assessment needs in online, hybrid, or web enhanced courses, please click here​.​​